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  • drrgmedicalcollegeamravati@gmail.com
  • Dr. Rajendra Gode Medical College & Hospital

NMC Mandate

 S.noDetails of informationWeb pages Direct Link
ADetails of Dean/Principal and Medical Superintendent Including their name, qualification complete address with telephone and STD code, fax and E-mail etc.Dean Information & Medical Superintendent
BTeaching staff, non-teaching staff and Nursing staffTeaching Staff
Non Teaching Staff
Nursing staff
CLetter of Intent & PermissionClick Here
DList of students admitted merit wise category wise for the current year of all UG courses.Click Here
EAny research publication during the last one year.Click Here
FParticular of Affiliated UniversityClick Here
GParticular of Affiliated University & Citizen
Click Here
HCitizen CharterClick Here
IDetails of members of the Gender Harassment Committee with contact details including landline Ph. mobile, email etc.Click here
JDetails of Year Wise Clinical Material Click here